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GDPR: Get consent from your existing European subscribers
GDPR: Get consent from your existing European subscribers
Liz Gannes avatar
Written by Liz Gannes
Updated over a week ago

As GDPR goes live, it is important for you to get consent from your existing European subscribers. In this tutorial, we will show you how to get this consent.

For the new subscribers, you can add a consent checkbox to your MailMunch opt-in forms.

Step 1: Go to your Subscribers page.

Step 2: Click on the +Add Filters button.

Enable these filters:

1. LOCATION > Continent

Select Europe from the drop-down menu.

2. + Add Filters > USER ENGAGEMENT > Consent Recorded

Select No from the drop- down menu.

These filters will get you all the European subscribers who have not yet given their consent.

Step 3: Click on the Save Segment link. Type a name for your new segment, something that you can easily remember later. Click on the SAVE SEGMENT button to save it.

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